Sunday 6 March 2011

The Henry Ford attitude to colour

What flies to try at the begining of the season? Any as long as they are black. My box is full of a range of sizes and styles of Bibios, Bibio Muddlers, Watson's Fancys, Kate McLarens, Clan Chiefs, Black Magics and Black Cats. There is a row of Claret Bumbles and another of Hare's Ears which stand out in splendid isolation. What am I missing? I posed the question on the forum I recommended and it seems black is THE colour. The red in the Bibio and the green in the Cat seem only to serve to make the black stand out.  Perhaps a touch of colour acts as a trigger point.
I am now working on my Kate McLarens. I found an old tying in my box that I liked. It was slim and inspired confidence whenever I had it on a cast. I have tried to replecate the style. Body and tail were no problem; pheasant topping, seals fur with a silver wire rib, hook B170 *12. Perhaps the wire could be thinner. An old bronze grade natural black Metz cock cape supplied the best hackle for my purpose. My other cock capes are dyed and thicker in the fibre. The head hackle poses a problem, mainly to do with colour. I tried John Haddland's dyed golden olive cock cape and a natural Keoch hen cape but I am still not satisfied. I will try a cheap natural red game cock which seems to be the answer. All my collection of expensive capes and the cheap ones are more fit for purpose - wet flies. I will have to tie a lot of dry flies to justify the expense. At least they look bony.
I have started a treasure drawer of materials that suit my purpose. It is difficult to view materials living so far from fly tying retailers.
Photos of my experiments to follow when weather is better.

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