Sunday 9 January 2011

Cased Caddis

                                                  Filoplume Cased Caddis
                                                    Cormorant Cased Caddis

Hook: Kamasan B170
Body: Hare's mask dubbed on black thread. The Cormorant has the addition of a touch of pearl green Lite Brite.
Hackle: Black filoplume. (small fluffy feather that pulls away from cape along with the hackle you select for other flies).
Wing: Fluff from the bottom of black hacle you select for other flies.

As mentioned in previous post, early season trout have a penchant for cased caddis. The beasts in question make their houses from particles of sand. Previously I have used Simple Palmers with a gold bead on the point to entice these trout. This year I hope more fish will  be encouraged to munch down on these imitations.

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