Friday 20 July 2012

3rd Tingwall blank.

July Tingwall fish feeding on caenis nymps.
18th caught a 1.5 male Houlland fish on #10 Orange hedgehog. It had been feeding on #14 shrimp.

Saturday 31 March 2012

31st March

Houlland. Seasonal temps. resume with 6 degrees and a bitter NW wind. Tied up a gold bead and shrimp muddler after last outing and caught a fish far side of Broch bay, that took the fly as it escaped close to hand. Not very big as I saw it jump 3 times. Tied another of the older gold beads on in its place and caught another at the start of the causeway fishing towards the wall. Lovely strong golden colour about 10 oz - released. Crossed the wall and caught a fish on the shrimp. About 12 oz and had one cased caddis and a dozen shrimp in its stomach. Diver flew overhead cawing like a crow.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

March 27, 2012

After a mild winter I was curious to see the effect.
Houlland, weed is high in the bay.
Caught a fish, thin but over the pound, on Paul Bloomer's Goggle eyed Stickleback. It was close to the style and wall. Two good days where the temp reached 16 and 14 degrees. I ventured out for the second time, having blanked at Houlland four days earlier with Douglas.
Small midge blew off the bank but there were no signs of rising fish when I started at a bright 5.30. Saw a pair of mallard and two pair of teal flying over the loch. There was also a small daddy long legs flying in the calm water.
SC 9 shrimp up to #12 and 2 cased caddis also #12.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Hot weather

First outing with Lorna and a beautiful summers evening following a sunny day. Not one sign of a fish at loch in by Nibon. Ended up at Buraland where there were many small fish rising but none would touch my offerings. Then at 10.30-11 went cold and fish stopped.
Went to nice loch Sand Water and could not touch the few small fish rising. Water temperature at the surface very warm.
Tied up some Half Hogs and went to fish Houlland. But other angler there so Framgord where there were a few rising fish the other evening. But much slime so went down to Gerdie. Two divers with two chicks so abandoned that idea and went to Brechon where I caught two stockies of about 10-12 oz. at heel shaped cairn. One in calm water at edge of reeds on green tailed Kate top dropper and another on Half Hog. Ventured further along the bank and a diver seemed to be constructing a nest. Lorna had remarked at number of divers without chicks. Could be the wet spell earlier flooded many nests. Left and went to West Loch. Much weed with very few places to cast and was surprised to hook 1lb 10oz on Half Hog. Still time left on this overcast night so tried Muckla Water to find it full of sprats -stockies that looked white and struggling.

Cat or Kitten?

Used a white cat with some success. Got a good pull at nice loch Sand Water. But fish took fly. Decided to put chenille to the test and tied one up using seals fur. Fished chenille on top dropper and seals fur on point. Chenille took 3 Houlland fish and seals fur took one. Not conclusive evidence but it does tell a story.


Managed a 5th and 6th position using Cortland 6 line and Cats. Make sure to go for over the stones or fish the holes for the daphnia feeders.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Blooming flowers.

Three hours at Houlland and fish started feeding in last hour after 5pm. Two over the pound on top dropper Claret Bumble and one from Nursery on T&S Bibio. Killed one from level with broch. Female with size14/16 olive shrimp in stomach. Start of blue star flowers, orchids and ham and egg flowers. Sea pinks by lighthouse.